Thursday, March 31, 2011

A good Movie

 This movie is EXCELLENT! According to "Its a story about Rizvan Kahn, a Muslim man from India, who moves to San Fransisco and lives with his brother and sister-in-law. Rizvan, who has Aspergers, falls in love with Mandira. Despite protests from his family they get married and start a small business together. They are happily married until September 11, 2001when attitudes toward Muslims undergo sea-change. When tragedy strikes, Mandira is devestated and they split. Rizvan is confused and very upset that the love of his life has left him. To win her back, he embarks on a touching and inspiring journey across America."

  This movie made everyone that I have shown as well as myself both laugh and cry throughout it. I feel it has a lot to do with class discussions because it brings up the overall topic of prejudice. In this case it is against the Muslim culture following the events of September 11. I realized after watching this how naive and ignorant I was to the Muslim culture. I recall people just generalizing all people who looked similar to Muslims or of Arab descent as "terrorists" or "towel heads". This movie brings up the difference between Hindu and Muslim because Mandira is Hindu and Kahn is Muslim. These differences were very significant to the characters as I am sure they are to people in real life, but it made me think of how ignorant the Americans were because I doubt many people knew the difference or even cared to find out. Please comment on my blog if you have seen this movie or if you watch it! I loved it so much and want to share it with everyone.

1 comment:

  1. I have this movie on DVD... It's a great movie. At the end, he just wanted to tell Mr. President that "My name is Khan and I am not a terrorist." He goes through many obstacles to talk to the President and through that he obtained many supporters. Great movie that is worth's pretty long though
